
Doctor Who Is Back! The 10 Most Interesting Moments From Deep Breath

After waiting quite a while, Doctor Who returned this week to your TV. Although Peter Capaldi has been seen in a glimpse in the role of the 12th Doctor in The Day Of The Doctor, in Deep Breath we finally saw him fully in action.

Before the 8th season in the reboot area started, there was a lot of speculation in the media and on social media about the way Capaldi would fill in his role as the 12th regeneration from the beloved titular character. As most predicted the Doctor was indeed more dark and mysterious than his predecessors, which promises a lot of good moments in the rest of the season.

But first 10 of the best, most interesting, fun or weird moments of Deep Breath:

1. A dinosaur in Victorian area London, spitting out the TARDIS.

The episode opens with a giant dinosaur taking a walk in the Thames and doing some sightseeing of the Big Ben and the House of Parliament. He is gagging and suddenly he coughs up a very familiar blue box.                                            
For the first time since last December, we see the TARDIS again.

2. The Doctor is confused.

After every regeneration the Doctor changes from face and most of the times from personality too. He has to get accustomed with his new self. The 11th Doctor for example had a ginormous craving for something, but her didn't know what. Until he tried fish fingers in custard. Capaldi's Doctor had some struggles too to find out who he became. He suddenly looked older than before and now has attack-eyebrows. Also the concept of a bedroom seemed strange to him.
The new Doctor had some problems remembering the right names with the right people too.

3. The veil.

The scene of the veil matters, as it shows a lot of character development. First of all how Clara is feeling about the regeneration and the new face of the Doctor. The beautiful way that Moffat made clear what the moment was Clara accepted that the new Doctor was really the same Doctor she knew before, was the usage of the veil. At the beginning of the scene Madame Vastra weirds a veil, as she is not accepted for who she is by many people. The ones who don't accept her how she is, see the veil. Clara saws the veil, because she didn't accept who the Doctor now was. But the moment she did, Vastra's veil was gone. In this scene we learn also about how Vastra sees the world and how the world sees her and we have a look into her personal life with Jenny.

How Clara sees the new Doctor, might represent how the viewers also need to accept the new face of the Doctor.

4. Did he jump or did the Doctor push.

One of the big questions after this episode is if the Doctor pushed the Clockwork droid, or did he jump himself. The new area incarnations of the Doctor where all for saving lives. With this Doctor that might be different. In this scene the new darker and mysterious character of the Doctor clearly comes forward.

Which one of the two it was, the aiming was perfect. The dead body of the Half-Faced Man landed exactly on the Big Ben and turned into a droid kebab.

5. New title sequence.

With a new Doctor and a new way he is handling things, there is a new title sequence too. While the previous title sequence payed a homage to the older title sequences, during the anniversary of 50 years Doctor Who, the new title sequence seems more steampunk like. This fits pretty well with the outfit of the 12th Doctor, the area the first episodes is set it and the monster of the episode. Next to the title sequence, the music is updated to be more fitting with the graphics.

Fun fact: the new title sequence is based the title sequence made by a fan as fan art.

6. The alley.

In the scene in the alley, Capaldi shows a lot of his skills. The one moment his character is looking for himself. The next moment he wonders where he saw his own face before and if there is a reason he is stuck with this face now. Then his comedic skills get a chance to shine by mentioning his noticeable eyebrows and the realization he has a Scottish accent. A colder, darker side is shown with almost attacking the guy in the alley, so he would give of his coat.

The detective skills of the new Doctor showed in deducing what the news paper ad meant.

7. 11th Doctor calling.

It must have come as a surprise to everyone. The cameo of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor in an emotional scene. The 11th Doctor didn't really return, but he did make a phone call from the past to reassure Clara and ask for her help for the new incarnation of himself at the same time.

After the call, Clara, who was on the edge of leaving the TARDIS and the Doctor behind for good, realized finally that the Doctor still was the Doctor. Even though he had a new face new.

8. Jenny & Vastra's kiss.

To be honest, it wasn't really a kiss, but a transfer of oxygen from the lungs of Madame Vastra to Jenny. If Moffat was trying to make a point by showing a lesbian inter species mouth to mouth action is unclear. But we do hope the show doesn't go for evolving in a more sexualized show. After all, Doctor Who should be viewable for people of all ages.

Next to the kiss-that-was-not-a-kiss, the scene with Jenny posing for Vastra falls in the same category in which we hope the show won't go.

9. The return of the Clockwork droids.

After the Weeping Angles, the Clockwork droids are the second creation by Steven Moffat to return on the show. This weeks monster of the week first appeared in the fan favorite episode The Girl In The Fireplace, they fought against Madame de Pompadour. Their goal was to gain organs and mechanics to repair their ship to take them to the promised land.

Like the Weeping Angels have the line "Don't Blink" attached to them, the Clockwork droids got the line "Don't breathe," this week.

10. The Mysterious Woman in "Heaven"

In the epilogue of the episode, the Half-Faced Man wakes up to a mysterious place and an even more mysterious woman. The woman introduces herself as Missy and tells the Clockwork droid that he is in heaven. There are many speculations going around on the internet about who Missy could be, from a brand new bad girl to River Song. And is she the one responsible for giving Clara the Doctor's phone number last season and for placing the news paper listing this episode.

Who Missy really is, and what she has to do with the Doctor, will hopefully be revealed soon.

Bonus: I am Scottish.

I am Scottish. That means that I can complain.
What are your favorite moments from Deep Breath?

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